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A Non-Trad View: Having Responsibilities In, Outside of Classes

Savana Bioty

A subject that does not get enough spotlight would be students that go to college and have children. As a mother of five, two having mental disabilities, I understand the challenges of being a parent and a student.

Being a parent is already a full-time job with over time. Being a student is also like working a full-time job. When you add school and being a parent together, it becomes difficult to manage both. I can’t count how many people, including some in my family, who say “You’re a mother, you don’t have time to nish a degree you wanted. Kids come first and you’re being selfish taking time away from them.”

People saying this have no idea how that makes parents feel. Parents simply want to make their dream come true, to better the lives of their family. Some parents, including myself, have felt the need to hide being a parent; afraid to tell our peers for the dirty looks and questions they ask. But you will always nd other parents where ever you are, so don’t be afraid to show how proud you are to be a parent. Rather view it as you are taking the necessary steps to better the lives of your children while showing them what hard work looks like.

I’m all about showing my children how important school is and to be honest, my oldest boys laugh at me because I have homework every day. In the end, I sit and do my homework right next to my children. My children are always number one, but school is important, too. If I can teach my children that going to school and working hard will get them a career they love, that is what pure joy feels like. I will be lucky.

When I graduate from Olivet, all five of my children will be there to watch our lives change forever. I want any parent or any students who have responsibilities to know, never be ashamed of having responsibilities, never shy away from your dreams, never let what others say impact your decisions and your life. Show the world what you can do no matter what your circumstances are. If you have children, families you take care of, disabilities or anything thing else that is making school hard for you, come find me and I will help anyway I can.

Any questions or concerns will be welcome for another column.


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