The Upton Pool is available for swimming, exercise, or just relaxing six days a week until April 24, so as the weather gets warmer you can stay cool with a quick swim in the pool, located down the hallway if you’re walking by the Lambeer Fitness Center. The Pool is equipped with a locker room for cleaning up and keeping your things tucked away, with 12 showers and 48 lockers.
Students have had different experiences at the Upton Pool. Senior Tom Kort said when asked about his experience at the Upton Pool, “I’ve never even been there. Where’s it even at?” Sophomore Michael Schmidt said, “My experience has been wonderful; it’s a great place to get a good workout for wrestling. It’s a great place to go in your free-time, but I fail to do so outside of workouts.” When asked what the Upton Pool could do to get more people to go, freshman Joey Richmond said, “Put in a hot tub; there’s a lot of athletes on campus who would like a place to go after a hard practice.”
The Upton Pool has equipment for water polo and basketball, so you can get exercise in a fun way. Or you can relax and just enjoy the warm water. Freshman and lifeguard at the Upton Pool, Bruce Baker said, “Working at the pool is great. It provides a flexible work schedule and time to do homework. We have a group of guys come in twice on most weeks to play basketball in the pool for an hour. They’ve had up to 12 guys in the pool at one time.”
There are also diving boards in the Upton pool, and floaties to use while swimming.
The pool is open Mondays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 to 8:30 p.m., Fridays noon to 1:30 p.m., and Sundays 6:30-8:30 p.m. This schedule is subject to change, but gives a rough idea when the pool is open for students. To find out if there have been changes to the schedule, look on the official website for Olivet College Athletics. The pool is also open during the summer; go to the official Olivet College Athletics website to find the hours.