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The University of Olivet

Echo Staff
Oct 8, 2015
Did you see Lucy?
Photo by Judy Fales The stress of mid-semester exams was lessened Wednesday when Lucy the therapy dog came to visit students at Olivet...

Echo Staff
Oct 5, 2015
Homecoming at a glance
Photos by Miranda Mors and Joanne Williams Here is a quick snapshot of some of the activities that took place during Homecoming Week.

Joanne Williams
Oct 5, 2015
Greeks brave the cold for CROP Hunger Walk
Photo by Joanne Williams Thirty members of six Greek societies took part in the 32nd annual Charlotte Area CROP Hunger Walk Oct. 4,...

Echo Staff
Oct 3, 2015
Dedication of Roznowski Learning Commons
Photo by Joanne Williams As part of Olivet's Homecoming festivities, the Roznowski Learning Commons was dedicated and a ribbon cutting...
Brian Freiberger
Oct 3, 2015
What's new, SGA?
The student government had their first meeting of the academic school year on Wednesday, Sept. 9. The meeting consisted of elections for...

Echo Staff
Oct 3, 2015
It's a wet, rainy Homecoming - but there are bright spots!
Photo by Joanne Williams The Comets are currently in the lead, and our King and Queen have been crowned. Last year's queen, Eleri Thomas,...
Echo Staff
Oct 1, 2015
Homecoming Pep Rally
Video by Mitch Galloway After the Homecoming Parade tonight, the Olivet College Marching Band, various campus organizations and groups,...

Jarrell T. Brackett
Sep 26, 2015
House Father
Jake Schuler is a man of many responsibilities at Olivet College. When new male students come to Olivet, he is the one on the ground...

Travis Oberlin
Sep 25, 2015
Comets break out broomsticks, prepare the confetti
I know, I know, Olivet’s been here before. Three non-conference wins, three foes “outta sight, outta mind.” We all know that “these wins”...
Abigail Beaver
Sep 25, 2015
Chartwells’ Cindy Clark awarded trip to Florida
Chartwells employee Cindy Clark, of the Kirk Center cafeteria, was awarded a trip to Orlando, Florida in the Be-A-star Program for...
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