Imagine wanting to be a teacher at Olivet College, where there is no education program. This happens for some students when they come to Olivet College. However, Olivet College offers an alternative program for students that want to follow that path.
According to Olivet College’s Website, “The Teaching Pathway is a unique program for students interested in pursuing a career in teaching. This program prepares undergraduate students to enter an alternate route to teacher certification program as defined by the State of Michigan once they graduate from Olivet College.”
Professor Suzanna Flood, director of the Teaching Pathway, welcomes any students interested in teaching. Flood said, “I am thrilled to use my love and passion for education as the director of the Teaching Pathway at Olivet College.”
Thayne Bilicki, sophomore, participates in the Teaching Pathway program. Bilicki dual majors in chemistry and math, is an active member of Kappa Sigma Alpha and plays two sports. Bilicki said, “My goals after college are to become a high school chemistry and calculus teacher. I also want to be a part of the movement that brings men's volleyball to Michigan public schools.”
When asked what the Teaching Pathway offers to him that other schools do not, Bilicki said, “Teaching Pathways awards me more opportunities in a classroom to learn without extending my degree with student teaching.”
Zachery Potter, junior, also participates in the Teaching Pathway. Potter, who wrestles for Olivet College and substitutes at local school districts on Wednesdays, shared what the Teaching Pathway offers to him. Potter said, “Teaching Pathway gives me an opportunity to skip student teaching and work while getting a paycheck, which is a huge plus.” He said, “My goals after college include pursuing a career in secondary education as well as coaching several varsity athletic teams.”
Information on the program can be found on Olivet College’s website or by emailing Flood at
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