The University of Olivet’s Veterans’ Advocate (VAC) group is getting excited as they get closer to an all-school event in Mott Auditorium to support veterans and spread awareness to other students on Nov. 8.
The Nov. 8 event, the annual Veterans Day Panel, is VAC’s way of spreading awareness throughout campus and allowing students to understand what this group does.
“The panel lets those military members tell their story...it is a glimpse into our world,” said Aaron Garcia, senior, and VAC president. Garcia is also a corporal in the Marine Corps Reserve.
The Olivet VAC holds regular Wednesday noon meetings in the Starbucks on campus. The group also holds fund-raisers for the group as well as the local Veterans Affairs hospital in Battle Creek, and also sponsors awareness days on campus.
The group’s advisor is Leslie Sullivan, who assists with special projects. Sullivan is registrar at the university.
According to The University of Olivet website, the group established itself in 2012, and, in recognition of 9/11, holds memorial services on behalf of the university.
Anyone can be a member of the VAC. Garcia’s reason? “I want to give back.”