Olivet Hardware, 2024
OLIVET, MICH - Olivet Hardware gained new ownership in December 2018. The store's new owners, Andy Askler and Jace Meyers, are responsible for its overall success in over five years of business.
"Big, major changes, all kinds of them... even though we've been here since 2018, the store was in very bad shape. I mean this pharmacy, we added the pharmacy portion, cut it down, we redid all the shelves, redid all the inventory. Everything in this store has been touched since we took over," Askler said.
Olivet Hardware has been successful as the only hardware store in Olivet; however, sales tend to decline during certain times of the year.
"The winter is definitely our slope. The slower months, November, probably the end of February, a little bit into March, we lose all the college business... And like I said, this community is, it's a lot of older folks, so once it gets cold, they're gone. So, it's definitely slower in the winter," Meyers said.
Even through the long and brutal winters and a punishing COVID period, Olivet Hardware has thrived through tough times such as these.
"I mean, with everything changing around here, all the businesses closing, things are going in new. So, it's really just been about adapting, and you know, working with getting through COVID. So that was a big change and adjustment for I'm sure everybody to go through," said Meyers.
Another attribute of the hardware store's success is its convenience. This is the only hardware store available for nearby residents as the next accessible hardware store, Marshall Hardware LLC, is approximately 13 miles from Olivet, Michigan. Customer and 23-year Olivet resident Ryan Wallenberg had this to say on the convenience of Olivet Hardware. "It's nice to have something local and not go 20 minutes away to get something that costs 10 cents, you know, spending more money in gas going there to buy it."
Jayce Meyers agrees that having a local hardware store greatly impacts the community.
"I think all small towns should have a hardware. I think they all need it. People don't want to drive somewhere when you need a screw or something. You're not going to want to, you know, have to travel to Battle Creek, Marshall, Charlotte, Lansing you know. So, I think it has a big impact on the community," said Meyers.

Olivet Hardware's mascot, Leo
If you come into the hardware store, you might run into the store's lovely dog and mascot, Leo. "We call him the mascot of the store. Everybody knows him, well for the most part if you come in here. If you don't come in here, he'll probably scare you," said Meyers.
Olivet Hardware is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Written by: Caleb Arthur
Photo credit: Michael Leija