Eaton County is having an election. This is the general election to vote for different positions like mayor and council members. There will also be voting on two millage proposals, one for the Bellevue Community Schools and another for the Eaton Regional Education Service Agency Special Education. This is being held on Nov. 8. For more information and to find where to vote you can visit the Eaton County Clerk Office or the Secretary of State’s website.

At The University of Olivet, the Campus Vote Initiative is available to students to learn more about voting and getting involved with elections. Junior, Rivkie Biritz, representative for the Campus Vote Initiative, said, “The role was introduced here on campus to give students accessible assistance with voting registration, and to foster a positive political environment that is geared toward improvement and learning. Voting, politics, and development of personal opinion are more important than ever before, and Campus Vote aims to empower students politically.”