Comet night Out is a -new way for students to get engaged in the restaurants and businesses of Charlotte.
Jason Meadows of the Office of Student Engagement, explained in an email that Comets Night Out will occur “every Thursday night during September, [going] from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.”
EATRAN, the county public transportation service, is assisting by driving students from campus to Charlotte. “The cost was $9,” said Amy Radford-Popp, dean of Student Engagement, “but our office was covering a portion of that, so students only need to pay $5.” The Office of Student Engagement is hoping students take advantage of this opportunity, so they can bring this back in further years.
Sarra Farshee, a freshman who attended the first Comet’s Night Out on Sept. 5, was disappointed to find out that most of the shops in Charlotte were closed by the time they got there. “My friends and I basically just went so we could get Wendy’s, but when we came back to town at like 7:20 p.m., most everything was closed.”