“The number of people who are food insecure in 2020 could rise to more than 50 million, including 17 million children,” stated an article by feedingamerica.org predicting in October of 2020 the increase of food insecurity. A Washington Post headline from January 2021 predicts worse: “The coronavirus intensified a hunger crisis last year, but 2021 could be worse.”
Data from the Congressional Research Service shows the highest percentage of Americans on unemployment since the beginning of their record-keeping in the 1940s. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities’ website mentioned the temporary food stamp flexibility throughout the states since March 2020, thus indicating the lack of employment and proper funds leads directly to a lack of access to essentials, such as food and water.
In the mid-Michigan area, residents are provided with some options to obtain these essentials at food pantries, which is one of the newest being provided for students by Olivet College.
Joshua Gillespie, student success initiatives coordinator, has gathered students on campus to jumpstart “Comet’s Cupboard”, a food pantry for students.
“Any current Olivet student needing or wanting food, can utilize Comet’s Cupboard,” said Gillespie. Comet’s Cupboard will be available to students on Wednesdays from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Mott 211. By presenting a student ID, students can retrieve a bag to fill with free food and drink from the pantry.
Outside of OC campus, there are other options to obtain essentials. St. Vincent de Paul, a food pantry, is open at St. Mary Church in Charlotte. There is also a food pantry at the Olivet Congregational Church.
If you’re not in need of food and are looking to help, consider donating to a local community program. Sharon Palacio, church secretary, said, “The need has grown greater in recent weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
The Comet's Cupboard held a grand opening on March 3. It is open Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. You are allowed to fill one bag, which is provided by staff.
For more information about Comet’s Cupboard, contact Joshua Gillespie at jgillespie@olivetcollege.edu