It is mid-terms, and that means under 40 days until the end of the semester for Olivet College. Friday Dec. 9 marks the last day for students at the college. This is a new beginning for freshmen, round two for sophomores, almost done but not quite yet for juniors, and crunch time for seniors.
"I feel pretty good, knowing that it is mid-semester. I came here from Colorado so I am excited to go home next weekend and at the end of the semester," said freshman Alissa Belcastro, who is also on the boxing team.
Professors are excited about the semester’s end and are impressed by what they are seeing from students here at Olivet College.
"I look forward to mid-semester because I get the opportunity to witness the students demonstrate understanding of their learning. I’ve had a great group of students this semester," said First Aid instructor Sherri Sherban.
Student Services staff member Gayl Dotts, known as the grandmother of all, witnesses lots of students at this time of the year.
"We see a lot of students at this time, from refund checks, drop/add concerns, and lots of senior audits. Most importantly, we see students concentrating on class. At mid-semester, students can be a bit on edge, but we haven’t seen that yet. I am always here to help students navigate," said Dotts, customer service specialist.
Senioritis is starting to kick in for some Olivet College seniors.
"I’m excited, I feel good about mid-semester. I am more on top of things this year. At times I feel lazy and ready for it to all be over with but I know it will fly by," said Senior Ali Kamali.
A word of advice for students: do not get behind, and finish off the semester strong.
What do the week’s ahead hold? Well, for one, a Fall Break Day, Friday, Oct. 21. The last day to withdraw from a class without academic penalty is Monday, Oct. 24.
Registration for Spring 2017 take place Nov. 7-18. During that time, the campus will celebrate Veterans Week, Nov. 7-11. Of course, Thanksgiving serves up some sleep as well as family and food feasts, Nov. 23-25.
The last day of fall classes is Dec. 5, followed by final exams, Dec. 6-9. Winter holiday is Dec. 20 through Jan. 2, 2017. At that time, all campus offices and buildings will be closed as the entire campus gets that time off.
And looking even further into upcoming dates, Spring 2017 begins Jan. 9, with Drop/Add from Jan. 5-17. There is a Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday on Monday, Jan. 16.