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Sitting down with Alumni

Bruce Baker

For some, Homecoming may seem like an excuse for excessive drinking, and according to the outrageous stories told by that guy in the back of every class, drinking may seem the only reason we have Homecoming. But certainly Homecoming is about more than just impulsive partying; it’s about those cool glow sticks and the not-so-cool bonfire, right?

All joking aside, Homecoming offers a great deal more than impulsive partying. It is a time for reunion, reminiscing, return and, hopefully, celebration. For returning alumni, Homecoming is a special time, both past and present, and if given the chance each alum is more than happy to tell stories of his or her past Homecomings. At least, that is what staff writer Bruce Baker found when he sat down with a table of eight alumni at the lunch preceding the Olivet College Homecoming game on Oct. 3.

As a student, what was your favorite memory of Homecoming?

Mark Davison ‘66 Greek Affiliation: Adelphic Alpha Pi

"Competing in float decoration among the other Greek houses was definitely a highlight. I also remember being a part of the parade, which is something you don’t do anymore, with the mayor in the convertible and all the other floats, banners and groups in the parade.”

Donald Pagett ‘66 Greek Affiliation: Adelphic Alpha Pi "We had a lot of fun making floats. I remember when the girls who lived in the trailers next to Dole, called ‘Dormets,’ abandoned the rest of the freshmen -- each of the classes used to make his or her own float -- to make a float of his or her own.”

Janet Almstead/Davison ‘66 Greek affiliation: Sigma Beta

"I really had a good time making the Sigma Beta float because, as the art student, I was in charge of designing the float. I didn’t know a whole lot about constructing a float, so I had to talk to my Adelphic brother,” she nudges her husband, Mark Davidson, “into helping me build the float.”

William “Yogi” Stephens ‘65 Former athlete: football Greek Affiliation: Adelphic Alpha Pi "Well, I played football, so I’d say my favorite memory was playing football on Homecoming. The game I remember as my favorite has to be beating Albion at Homecoming in ’63.”

What do you enjoy most about coming back now?

Frank Plecas ‘66 Greek Affiliation: Adelphic Alpha Pi Former athlete: basketball and baseball “I keep coming back because even with all the rivalry between the fraternities and sororities I can’t imagine a more conjoined campus. It was so small you had at least one class with everyone and that closeness keeps (sic) me coming back.”

Mark Davison ‘66 Greek Affiliation: Adelphic Alpha Pi "I have to agree with everyone else: seeing old friends is great, but I’ll also add that it is great to see projects on the campus and see all the new buildings. It’s good to see that campus growing and expanding.”

William “Yogi” Stephens ‘65

"Being with classmates and reminiscing about our time spent together.”

*Yearbook photos provided by Marty Jennings, director of alumni engagement, and were taken by Bruce Baker.

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