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Sept. 30 Service Day packs a punch

Re’Gene Thompson

Service Day is a semi-annual day at Olivet College where students and staff come together to do a service. The 2015 Service Day was on Sept. 30. Why a Service Day? The Olivet College Compact states that “I am responsible for service to Olivet College and the larger community.” By participating in Service Day, students at Olivet College are following the Compact.

Phi Epsilon Kappa put together a support-your-soldier shoe box (care package) to send to soldiers during the holidays. “Doing this particular service is cool because you’re helping people you don’t know who deserve it, especially during the holidays, without their families when they need it the most,” senior Nick Taylor said. The society includes students in the areas of physical education, health, recreation and exercise science.

The volleyball team ran a free clinic, teaching the basic skills of volleyball to the Olivet Middle School. “It was a great way to help young girls from the community get involved in sports. It was fun to see them excited about volleyball just like I was at that age,” freshman Ashley Lounds said. “They look up to us and are always asking if they can come back for another clinic. Running a clinic for the Olivet Middle School has become a tradition that I’m proud to be a part of,” senior Dallas James said.

Service Day 2014/Courtesy Photo

​Pictured: students volunteering at the Olivet College Archives during a 2014 Service Day/Courtesy Photo

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